Gene. 4:21
`bgW[w> rANKi fpeTo-lK ybia] hyh aWh lbWy wyxia ~vew
Gene. 4:21 And the name of his brother was Jubal. He was the father of every player of harp and flute.
Gene. 9:18
`![;n"k. ybia] aWh ~x'w> tp,y"w" ~x'w> ~ve hb'Teh;-!mi ~yaic.YOh; x;nO-ynEb. Wyh.YIw
Gene. 9:18 And the sons of Noah, Shem and Ham and Japheth, were emerging from the ark; and Ham, he is the father of Canaan.
Gene. 10:21
`lAdG"h; tp,y< yxia] rb,[e-ynEB.-lK' ybia] aWh-~G: dL;yU ~vel.W
Gene. 10:21 And children were also born to Shem. He was the father of all the children of Eber, and the eldest brother of Japheth.
Gene. 36:9
`ry[ife rh;B. ~Ad+a/ ybia] wf'[e tAdl.To hL,aew
Gene. 36:9 And these are the generations of Esau, the father of the Edomites, on Mount Seir.
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