During a period of fifteen years translating the Hebrew Scriptures and another three years, translating the first two books of Greek Scriptures (part time), both into English, I believe I had been hearing from the Lord regularly and frequently -- and continue to hear from Him.
A still small voice mostly, but occasionally a dream, a vision, or a pressing hunch that couldn’t be ignored.
I am an 89-year-old Jew (in 2017) who loves and reveres the Lord, and lives to glorify His name. Coming from a place of near complete ingorance of scriptures when starting the first translation, I had no bias for or against any established religious doctrine. Nor did I have many preconceived notions. Because of this lack of credentials, I made some remarkable objective discoveries in both the Hebrew and Greek scriptures. For those discoveries arising from the Hebrew, see my websites,, and For those arising from the Greek, you will want to see a future site, which I hope to have running in about 2023, and whose domain name will be
These next few pages of this site document what I have learned from what I believe have been communications from the Lord.
Call me crazy if you like, but please try not to judge me prematurely. I am well educated, having earned two master’s degrees, one from UCLA and one from Cal State, Los Angeles. At 89 I still have my wits about me, although my memory is not what it used to be. Fortunately, I recorded almost everything. And what I failed to record, the Lord has graciously provided when I needed Him to help. Moreover, I have led a traditional life as a family man and an engineer.
Nonetheless, for the last 25 years I have been on a dizzying, amazing, humbling, rewarding journey that had as its origin the most remarkable dream of my life. If you want to read a bit about that dream go to this WEBSITE.
I am aware that Jews believe that there have been no prophets for a long time. But I believe there have always been prophets, they just weren’t called by that name. The title “prophet” has been reserved by Jews for those whose names appear in the Bible. Friends (especially my Christian friends) who know me and know my views, and even one Conservative rabbi, have called me a prophet, but I prefer to let you, visitor and reader, judge for yourselves.
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