Exod. 4:25, 26
`yli hTa; ~ymiD-!t;x] yKi rm,aTow: wyl_g>r;l. [G:T;w: Hnê"B. tl;r>[-ta, trok.Tiw: rco hrPoci xQ;Tiw
Exod. 4:25 But Zipporah took a flint and cut off the foreskin of her son and touched his feet and said, “Surely You are a Bridegroom of blood to me.”
`tl{WMl; ~ymiD !t;x] hrêm.a za WNM_,mi @r,YIw
Exod. 4:26 So He let him alone. Then she said, “A Bridegroom of blood by circumcision.”
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